August 02, 2004


Looks like I have a full day of sitting around with my thumb up my butt, compiling. Whee.

Not only did we do a massive integration into the "trunk" with our new work, in parallel to this we are upgrading to a different compiler version. Which means instability, which means lots and lots of compiling and re-compiling. Yay.

Slashdot is down, too, so I can't kill time there. Oh, no, wait! It's back up! Okay, so that's good now.

Orkut, however, continues to be so slow as to be unusable.

It's just gonna be one of those tedious Mondays, I guess.

On a more exciting front, we are finalizing the recruiting posters for Haunted Trails, and those will be going up soon. Exciting!

Posted by Edwin at August 2, 2004 10:39 AM
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