July 15, 2004

Am I ever on schedule?

Then answer, by the way, is "no".

I have a LOT of stuff to do for Haunted Trails... and four weeks before I become "director" full time.

So it's not going to happen. This Saturday we have a meeting, so I'm pawning off as many tasks as I can to other people.

It sucks having to be gone all day when Nik is here! I don't hardly get to see him... of course, he's also a teenager, sequestered in his room all day. Heh.

This weekend we will be doing some stuff. I'm taking a life cast of his face with the new silicon stuff. I hope he's not claustrophobic! It takes about a half hour, what with the application of goo and then the construction of the plaster mother mold.

The removal should be fun, too. This silicon grips more than alginate, so it pulls the hairs a bit. Well lubricated hairs DO pull free (I tried this on my excessively furry arm), but for a claustrophobic person it could be disturbing. And I don't even want to think how weird it will feel having it pull on the eyelashes.

I hate to subject anyone else to this process before I've done it to myself, but I have limited supplies and time right now...

In addition to capturing his face and the HT meeting, I want to create the pin jewelry mold (if not the pins themselves) and start on the leg sculpture. And, umm, maybe some plans.

But the station and construction plans are primary on my list for foisting.

Wish me luck!

Posted by Edwin at July 15, 2004 02:34 PM