July 09, 2004


Well, it's Friday!

And, last night I noticed a greivous scheduling conflict.

I need a portable brain to keep track of such details for me... paper works, but is a pain to lug around. Electronic solutions are bright and shiny, but expensive. I'm thinking laptop computer... heh... or not.

Michelle was going to have a nifty party on the 31st of this month, be we are all in Dallas that weekend. So no go.

For us, she re-scheduled to the 24th on my recommendation. I forgot, however, that I had the George Romero expedition planned that night. Argh.

So, she moves her party because of me and I screwed up and can't go anyway.

I suck.

It was easier when I worked from home -- one calendar was on hand all the time. Now, I have two offices and don't want to lug a day planner everywhere. Last time I carried paper with me I left it at Bob's house...

Posted by Edwin at July 9, 2004 03:17 PM