June 16, 2004


Man, I usually get sleep around 2:00 or so, for an hour or so.

Today, I've been sleepy for the last three hours! Ugh.

Tonight, Pat should be calling with questions about Nesting, Jay may come by and drop off junk for Haunted Trails, ummm, I need to contact Teresa to tell her my big trailer guy isn't very available, I want to cast Marla's hand in the new silicon so I can test casting bones in it... ummm... and I need to print off all of the chapters in the book so I can start editing.

Did I mention I FINISHED the damn thing? I think I must have ... several times.

Of course, now I have extensive editing and polishing to do. But that's okay, 'cause I'm ALMOST DONE!

Nik, my son, visits in just a couple of weeks. That will be cool. And having him around will keep Marla from getting too bored during summer vacation.

Posted by Edwin at June 16, 2004 04:53 PM
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