June 12, 2004


My head hurts today, which is really slowing me down on Chapter 18, Advanced Control.

This is more an AI chapter than a control chapter, but whatever. I am also merging chapters 18 and 19 here, so this is the LAST damned chapter I have to write. Bugger it all, I'm tired of writing. The NI job has sucked more of the life out of me than I had anticipated... not that I'm complaining, the people there continue to surprise me on how supportive they are and they also continue to pay me. So it's mostly good.

Finishing the writing early will give me MORE TIME to edit and improve it, time I really need. I'm pretty dissapointed in the depth of detail I was able to go into on the control aspects of the subject. Robotic control is the interesting stuff, but I only get to skip along the surface.

I just hope the book fulfills its purpose. And doesn't expose me to too much ridicule in the market.

BTW, if any of you have read my AI in Java book, please go to Amazon.com and give me a review. It doesn't have to be an awesome review, just four stars would be nice... heck, three isn't bad, really, but four and five make me happier (needless to say).

I really should be writing now. But my head still hurts.

And yes, I took Advil. And coffee. And a nice peach smoothie for nutrition. Soon to have more coffee, since extra coffee will either drive it away or make me sick enough to need to lie down -- either action will help in the long run.

Posted by Edwin at June 12, 2004 12:21 PM
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