The Tuesday after a three-day weekend is like Monday, only 50% more so. Bleh.
I've been writing code at work these days, and it's much more satisfying then not writing code. And even better, the dang stuff is working! I see the little wiggles on the oscilloscope and it makes me happy.
I glooped four layers of polyurethane rubber over a model of a heart yesterday. Today, I'll figure out how I want to get the darn mold OFF the heart! And then I'll make a plastic "mother mold" to wrap around it. The plastic shell is using new stuff, and I'm looking forward to it. Traditionally, I've used plaster.
Yesterday, after the molding experiments, I wandered off to a pool party / grill party at Michelle's. Sat around in the sun, occasionally dipped my feet in the pool to cool off. It was nice.
Though, relaxing for that much time in a row does addle me a bit... I think I'm addicted to working.
Is that even possible?
Posted by Edwin at June 1, 2004 11:21 AM