April 27, 2004

My Computer Misses Me

I'm sure it must! I only ever really see it on weekends and Wednesdays. The poor think, it must think I don't love it anymore...

... well, some days I guess I don't. But I haven't beat it to death with a hammer yet.

Speaking of beating things to death with a hammer, let me tell you (in general, non-incriminating terms) about some of the I have learning this huge, complicated, intricate, and mostly-undocumented software environment at work.

In particular, my most recent frustration... well, the one before my current one... complex system, and I had just the documentation from the "class" on the subject.

The class was a class, sure, and it kind of makes sense while hearing about it. But both the class and the doco for it are first-pass alpha quality stuff.

And these two large-ish documents just happened to use the SAME NOUN for two rather radically different sub-systems in the larger system. Yup, the "framitz" could mean this pair of classes, or it could mean the container class that holds them... or perhaps even, in some cases, the larger environment it was all embedded in.

Yup, clarity personified.

I had a nice, pleasant chat (really, I was quite nice and so was he; he didn't realize the pain he was causing) and cleared most of that up.


Hey, I got a long e-mail from my son a few days ago! Neat! We are talking! Well, will be once I write back. I was going to do that today at work, but it's been nuts! I left for work at 7:15, I just got back a few minutes ago at 10:20pm or so.

Work, lunch with another Edwin from the videodisgo project I consulted on, more work, to an anthropology test (the last one, thank God), to dinner with our landlord to talk about buying the house, to dance lesson, and now here.


Why do I do this to myself?

Oh yeah, 'cause it's fun.

Or something.

Anyway, now that I've patted my computer for a few minutes, it's time for a nice glass of port and my nice soft pillow.

Sleep well, y'all.

Posted by Edwin at April 27, 2004 04:29 AM
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