April 03, 2004

Bad Memories

I ran a new memory test, TuffTest, on the memory. It seemed to hang on the last 64Meg... which isn't good. Even disabled my KVM. Hung twice, which is twice as bad.

So I stuck in a different stick of RAM. That didn't test out all that well, either. But heck, I'm running with it now.

No crashes yet! But time will tell.

I'm not surprised, though, that the stick that seemed bad was bad -- it's HP memory, from a damned cheap machine. Who knows what lowest-cost vendor supplied those 128M?

I've had the hardest time getting into the writing today... and there are still several pages to do before I move on to Inductors. Argh! Spring makes it SO HARD TO CONCENTRATE!

I'm such a masochist.

Posted by Edwin at April 3, 2004 12:42 PM
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