March 31, 2004

Testing! More Testing!

I am a TESTING MACHINE here at National. Yow! Test test test... needless to say, testing has always been my least favorite activity. I guess this is some kind of bad karma coming back to haunt me.

On the bright side, familiarity is making it a tad bit less horrible. And the fact that I'm testing OTHER people's code and not my own.

Speaking of Badness, I guess I annoyed someone with my last post. Oh well. I went and censored it a bit... though my first reaction, being the annoying little shit that I really am at heart, was to do a big flaming post here to make them REALLY miserable. Somehow I often am able to restrain these evil impulses... not always, and that certainly gets me in trouble, but often.

Speaking of Testing, I ran some memory tests overnight and I *think* they indicated errors, but damned if I know what I'm doing... so I changed the settings so they made more sense to me and I'm running them again while I'm at work. If there are errors, then I get to play memory stick roulette to see what is up.

I hope its the memory, because otherwise I have to look at all of the OTHER hardware, not to mention all of the other drivers. And since the failures are intermittent (none some days, half a dozen others), we aren't looking at a fun time there.

There are some noises on the housing front, too... we may have a change in situation this year, but I don't yet know what. But when I do, y'all will be the third (or fourth) to know! After, umm, me, Marla, and our landlord.

Posted by Edwin at March 31, 2004 11:26 AM
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