March 17, 2004

Back in the Groove

Well, that sucked.

Sunday I spent the morning sick and the afternoon, ummm, I don't remember anymore. Probably doing laundry or something. Reading.

Monday I got a cellphone again! I'm not gonna give you my number, though, unless you promise to just call evenings and weekends, when it's free. Hmm, for that matter, I need to find out when evening officially starts.

Dance lesson Monday was fun -- we are learning West Coast Swing, which promises to be fun.

Tuesday... was there a Tuesday? I don't recall.

And today.

Work still refuses to be thrilling, but then again, I hired on at the ass-end of a release cycle, so there really is little that I can do to contribute. So I do what I can, and hope things get more interesting once this crunch is over.

Writing in the book again! Whee! It's been AGES... and I haven't studied Anthropology in ages, either. I need to get my ASS IN GEAR if I want to make all my varied deadlines. Right now, it looks ugly, but I'm sure I'll pull it off.

I keep trying to get my author's copies of my AI Java book, but damn, I don't know what form of brain damage their shipping department has, but I keep NOT GETTING THEM.


Posted by Edwin at March 17, 2004 07:49 PM
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