Yesterday, Monday, I actually got to do something useful at work! And today I should be doing even more...
On the weekend we did a bit of catch-up shopping. After two years of limited (read: no) cash flow, things fell behind. So we are catching up. Nothing to stellar, but it takes time.
So I only got four or five pages into Chapter 8 (mechanical joints) written. Not so good. I hope I can work my brains out tonight and Wednesday to catch up!
Yesterday was a test day here at NI, so I was paired up with Amaury (what a neat name he has!) to learn the ropes. It wasn't so bad, but then, he knew what he was doing.
Today is another test day, and I don't know yet if I'm to go solo or work with Amaury again. Soon I will know! For now, I'm resetting the test machine using the Ghost utility.
Ghost is neat; it takes a bit-level image of your hard-drive and will splat it back onto the platters anytime you need. Good for resetting a test machine.
As for the memory part of the title, February 19 was my son's birthday and I was so immersed in the trauma of having a real job I completely forgot! I'm sure that makes me a bad father, but what can I do? I get focused on things and the rest of the world fades away.
Now I'm trying to get a hold of him and see what he wanted, er, wants. After all, I have some cash flow again, I can __do__ birthdays finally. But he's... umm... fifteen now and is getting something of a life himself.
Maybe we can connect this weekend
Anyway, if you are reading this Nik, Happy Birthday! And let me know what you do these days and how I might contribute.
It's tough begin 2,500 miles away from your only son.
Posted by Edwin at March 2, 2004 08:04 AM