February 21, 2004

Whew... and argh

Whew, I made it through my second week at National.

They have a very complicated environment there, lots of files, lots of scripts, lots of lots of lots. Their educational method is "sink or swim", taking even a simple DMFU assignment and turning into a giant treasure hunt of finding dependencies and the information needed to implement the otherwise trivial programming tasks.

And its not as if dependencies and make environments are my strong point.

Note, for example, the data CD for _AI in Java_, the CD that was going to ship with the book but isn't because someone dropped the ball.

I know I tested the code in the book, and I'm pretty damn sure I did a clean build on all of it. I clearly didn't perform a clean _enough_ build, though, since it won't compile as shipped. At least one dependency loop between projects, so now I'm kicking myself. Thankfully, due to the interactivity of the internet and the keen efforts of dedicated readers like Francisco J. Bido, I am now aware of my deficiencies.

Now I just have to find time to fix them. Which is where the Argh! comes in.

No time! No time!


Posted by Edwin at February 21, 2004 09:25 AM
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