This site is terribly slow, but the exciting thing is that now, with my newly discovered cash-flow, I have some hope of upgrading my service to fix the problem.
Stay tuned! This may happen next month.
Of course, having the site be slow is only appropriate, since it matches my own personal brain speed right now.
I had, maybe, an hour and a half yesterday where I wasn't off _doing_ something. While this isn't stressful, more like fun, it is tiring.
At work I'm wading through bits of the environment now, courtesy of the DMF University (internal training) I'm in. Today was the second day. It's a very complex environment, quite a bit to take in. It definitely puts some wear and tear on the old neurotransmitters.
Off topic, yesterday we bought a vacuum cleaner. It's beautiful. It works, it works well, and it works elegantly. It comes apart to give you complete access to the airflow. And the airflow itself is strong and steady, and doesn't diminish even as the container fills up. In addition of all this technical and functional greatness, it is lightweight and quiet!
This wonder machine, which Marla is convinced that I want to marry, is the Dyson DC07 Cyclone Animal.
Check it out at and then buy one for yourself.
Posted by Edwin at February 17, 2004 12:39 PM