Have you ever heard of a productivity virus? You've seen them, even if you didn't know their name.
A productivity virus is something you find on the net that captures your attention enough to keep you from working. It eats your productivity, feeding on your attention.
So, yesterday I mentioned EHOWA? Their Tasteless Tuesday archives have been nibbling away at my attention. Those of you who know me won't be surprised, I suppose. But it's very annoying -- I have things to do! Pages to write!
On a more pleasant note, tonight we go to Friday dance lessons for the first time. Beginner stuff, stuff I already know, but it wll give me and Marla two hours of practice. And I'll get to practice with other dancers, which should enhance my social confidence for the Saturday social dances.
I'm looking forward to it!
Also, yesterday I passed my test (I think it's mostly a formality anyway) and tonight I advance to purple sash in Tai Chi. Yay!
Finally, I think today I'll tell everyone that I'm doing this log again, and this is where they can look to keep up with life here in Austin, Texas.
This page will always show the most recent ten entries. I'll have to figure out a clever, _automatic_, way to keep an archive list going for back-issues. This is all being handled behind the TWiki scenes by the Movable Type weblog system, so I'm sure I can find something.
Posted by Edwin at January 23, 2004 12:13 PM